The L2 Diploma covers Fine Art, Graphics, Photography and Textiles and students are introduced to a wide range of skills across all disciplines.
In Fine Art students explore both 2D drawing, painting and printmaking and 3D outcomes in response to the still life and the human form. In Graphics they have experimented with typography and illustration in response to a brief to create a fashion brand. Students are introduced to both film and digital photography, trying out darkroom and Photoshop manipulation of imagery. They have responded to the theme of ‘surfaces’ and used the studio set up to take portraits of each other. In Textiles, following their samples exploring surface pattern and construction, the students have developed their most successful ideas and choice of media towards a 3D final outcome, a lampshade.
The work on display has been selected by each individual student in the group to reflect both the variety of their work and the strongest elements they have created so far.